







我所知道的老师关于这个观点的最初的明确的表达是在中国民商法网上登载的演讲稿《两种民法典起草思路——新人文主义对物文主义》在回答最后一名提问者时提出的,相关回答如下:“关于脱离实际,我倒是一点都不犯愁,因为我是主张理论脱离实际的。我在十几年以前就主张理论脱离实际的,才能称之为理论,理论是对现实的超越。一天老是跟现实若即若离的,至少不是什么好的理论,或者说不是一种纯粹的理论。”(文章上传时间为 2002 年),但在《民法的人文精神》一书的收录中,不知道因为什么原因却删除这名提问者的问题,自然也删掉了老师的回答。另外的比较明确的表达在《在法学与文学之间的 30 年》第 42 页“理论法学钥匙说”和第 432 页:“我的另类还表现为我公开叫嚷‘理论脱离实际,以建立真正的理论'。这样的观点不为中国的普遍理论所容。”在《民法哲学》中对这个观点有一个比较模糊的表达:“ …… 他们对我的理论有以下评论:‘玄之又玄';‘与其说是为了解决问题,不如说是为了满足自己的审美趣味';‘法学的使命是解决问题,谈那么多多余的东西干什么',我把反对我的理论倾向解释为实证主义,即强调感觉经验,排斥形而上学的主张。对于这些诘难,我想说的是,民法哲学虽然不解决具体的操作问题,但解决元问题或根本问题,或训练人们更好地解决问题的思维。”

可能由于我接触民法接触得比较晚——我在 2006 年才开始接触民法,所以看到老师的话“在十几年前就已经主张理论脱离实际”实在让我大吃一惊,如果以文章(《两种民法典起草思路》)在中国民商法网首次上传时间 2002 年为起点往前推十几年,那差不多是 1990 年左右,也就是老师的第一本专著《民法基本原则解释》的诞生之时。在 2007 年暑假我以当时的目光看着本书时,除了拍案称绝外,丝毫没有体会到这本书“理论脱离实际”之处。因为这本书《民法基本原则解释》里的论点基本已经成为学界通说,看上去指导着新的理论,也影响着实践。




对此,我对 于 老师的主要的部分观点(因为有价值的观点实在是浩如繁星,无法穷举)进行了拾贝式列举,分为两部分:第一部分是(脱离理论当时的实际)已经变成了实际的;第二部分是(脱离现在的实际)尚未变成实际的。

(一) 已经变成了实际的


2.创立的物文主义概念流传开来,在目前的 Google 上,有 4920000 条搜索结果(数据统计截止于 2010 年 7 月 1 日凌晨 0 : 13 分)。

3. 在《认真对待民法典》一书中,收录的论文为唤醒学界走出恋德癖的迷梦而居功至伟。




1. “理论脱离实际”的理论研究思想。

2. 对于立法语言中以“诚信取得”取代“善意取得” 。

3. 一切人共有的物。

4. 民法典会消亡 。

5. 对于平等原则批判的观点 。

6. 性命境人性论。

7. 主观价值论的观点(与官方哲学冲突)。

8. 普及罗马法教育的法学教育观点 。

9. 民法并非纯粹私法的观点。











Comments on “Theory for Theory's Sake” by Professor Xu Guo Dong


The first time I know the point mentioned by Professor Xu Guo Dong is on the website Chinese Civil Law . There was one speech of his. In the speech Two different approaches to the Chinese Civil law Code: New humanism vs. material-centralism when he was answering the last question, he said: “I am not worried about my theory isolating from the practice. I have held this view for over ten years that only those theories which performed for its own sake and not for some ulterior end can be the real theories. Transcendent is transcendent. Always lingering in the practice you'll never trans.” But for some unknown reason, this part is eliminated in the Humanistic Spirit of Civil Law , the collection of speeches by Professor Xu. Another expression of this point is on the pages 43and 432 of My Three Decades Between Literature and Law , “ We always said that the theory cannot give the key to one special case. But I tell you that the theory gives you the know-how to the key, which means it can tell you how to design, form, or produce a key.” My distinctive is also distinct for that I publicly advocate ‘the theory for theory's sake' which is not compatible with popular view in Chinese academia...” There was one absurd version in Philosophy of Civil Law , too: “…they have such comments on my theory, like ‘more mysterious than you can imagine' ‘…rather than solve the real problem but to cater to his own aesthetic appreciation…' ‘the task of law is to solve the real problem, why does he talk so many unnecessaries?',I call all of these views ‘ pragmatism', which means that it opposes transcendentalism and evaluates assertions solely by their practical consequences. All I want to say is, yes, the philosophy of civil law doesn't solve the real problem, but it trains the brain of people to let them to find the better solutions. The philosophy of civil law solves the fundamental problems and the principles.”

Maybe it was because that I started to learn the civil law late, started in 2006, so it was to my surprise that my supervisor claimed ‘theory for theory's sake' over ten years ago. Because if we cut ten years off from the 2002(the time of speech Two approaches to the Civil law: New humanism vs. material-centralism) ,that was 1990s while the first masterpiece Explanations on the Principles of Civil Law of Professor Xu came into the world! But the points in that book have almost become the popular views in China and I cannot find any isolation between that book and so-called practice in my summer vocation of 2007.At that time all I can say about the feeling of reading that book is cool and fabulous.

So maybe, just maybe, theories of Professor Xu is just isolating from now practice, they aren't isolating from future practice. But what I said is something sad and illogical, am I? We have emphasized on the ‘Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth' for three decades and my supervisor is persisting for three decades alone, too. Such loneliness in the eyes of history may be some routine, something boring and lack of funny. It has heard tens of thousands of Brunos cried in the big fire “The future people will understand me! The future will know the value of me!” It will never lift a finger on how many Servetuses or Galileos will be ill-treated while they find something that is for its own sake and didn't care the feelings of the practice. So what is isolation from the reality? That means the practicing people cannot understand you and regard you as some freak. My supervisor is a lonely knowledge aristocrat in here 960,000 square kilometers.

Only when the theory performs for its own sake, it can disclose the truth for human being and be brave while it face the ruling idea. It just like the na?ve child in Kejserens Nye Kl?der, he just wants to speak nothing else but the truth for nothing else but the truth. He doesn't speak for the king, the kingdom or the people. He speaks truth for the truth. Only when the theory performs for its own sake, it can be the guilder, the introducer of the practice. Without the theory of emancipation of black slaves, the South of America is still the paradise of slave-owners; without the surreal theory of ‘Social Contract. ‘Sovereign of people', French people still practice courtesy while facing the monarch. Only someone hold this view that the theory should perform for its own sake, that he could spend 8 years on one treatise From Object to Subject: The Brief History of The Conception ‘Republic '.

Countless thesis, works and treatises in China disappeared in the end with the only meaning of its existence is wasting some paper. But Professor Xu's works is always long-lasting and always becoming popular. So sometimes I find it was a little ironic that there were some scholars to comment that Professor Xu is isolating from the practice. Hardly any lawyers or justices said Professor Xu is isolating from the practice. The real practice-doers are always willing to read his works and find some inspirations they need. Maybe on the other side, Professor Xu doesn't want to consider too much of practice, but the practice is very pleasure to take his points into consideration.

Hope my supervisor Professor Xu will give us more surprises and fantasies in the future as long as he is not old as an outstanding scholar.









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